Monday, July 17, 2006

Questioning the Safety of ADHD drugs

The Hamilton Spectator states that the federal health agency abruptly suspended the ADHD drug Adderall XR in February of last year, only to reinstate it six months later.
The safety of the drug came into question following a 2004 U.S. review that linked the stimulant drug to the sudden death of 25 people, including 19 children, between 1999 and 2003.
A recent survey by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates the stimulant drugs send nearly 3,100 people to the emergency rooms every year from overdoses, accidental use and serious side effects ranging from racing hearts to strokes.
The federal health agency gave no reason for reinstating the drug, no changes to it where made and these side effects and problems remain unaddressed.

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